Monday, October 17, 2011

Angry Birds

What is Angry Birds?

One of the most successful and more played game in a mobile device, With a combined 400 million downloads across all platforms and including both regular and special editions, the game has been called "one of the most mainstream games out right now", "one of the great runaway hits of 2010", and "the largest mobile app success the world has seen so far".

Personally I am a huge fun of the game, but I believe I am not the only one. Recently and while using the bus I saw many people playing this game. The fun part was when people were moving their body in order to move the bird in the game.

Yesterday while on the bus I saw an older person around 50, he was playing the game on his phone. He was really disappointed and frustrated , probably he stack on a certain lvl. What it really impressed me is that he gave his phone a young kid around 15 to help him. When the kid made it the person gave him a high five, and they start playing together. It was really something nice to see, since most of the people they do not talk to each other. I wish all people were acting friendly in our community, it would be a better place.

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