
BostonCommutes was created to provide an outlet for people - including us - who commute in and around Boston to share their commuting stories with others.

Commuters can share stories, photos or videos about their daily commute, and hopefully find humor in what we believe will be shared experiences. Our definition of commuting includes all forms of transportation -
anything from riding the commuter... rail, subway, buses, taxis, cars, bikes, walking, skateboarding, etc. - basically any way you as a commuter get around Boston.

Any commuter who shares their story, photos or video on BostonCommutes should include the date, time and form of transportation used. We invite commuters to share information about which T or commuter rail line or bus they were riding, or which intersection they were standing at, when a particular incident occurred.

In addition to our experiences and our readers’ experiences, BostonCommutes will also include helpful hints/tips, comics, and mobile app information.

We hope that the content shared will help us all find humor in the daily adventures of Boston-area commuters, and that it will help make the commute more enjoyable.

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